Let's go back in time a little bit, to last year. During the campaign for President, Obama tried to block television stations from airing an advertisement that correctly linked the Democrat to the terrorist Bill Ayers. He did this by having his thugs warning station managers not to air the advertisement and even went so far as to suggest that the Justice Department would step in if these stations exercised their free speech. The Obama campaign also compelled advertisers to pressure stations that continued to air the anti-Obama commercial. Click here for details.
At that time, I wrote "This is change I can believe in- the change from a free state to an unfree one, led by Democrats trying to chill free speech in the name of fairness and diversity." This is the situation we face today, only now the Democrats more firmly control the power of the state and the media, and are able to put even more pressure on television stations and advertisers to toe the correct party line on issues of great importance like health care, energy, and spending.
If you or someone you know voted Democrat or plans to vote Democrat in the future, this is the change that was voted for- I predicted it and I don't expect this chilling of free speech to stop any time soon.
I Predicted This Chilling of Free Speech
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