America is Going to Get Ugly

In my high school government class, we talk about the fact that the government of the United States of America is a legitimate government because it was a social contract with the people of the nation that was duly voted on and ratified. The Constitution of the United States it the agreement that the people of our nation signed with one another, promising to follow the laws of our government if it promised to stay within its limited powers. Everyone that has come to our nation has agreed to follow the Constitution by the mere fact of coming here, and everyone who is born in this nation is 'grand-fathered' into the agreement by their ancestors, who signed it or agreed to come here and follow it. The Constitution of the United States is the document that gives our government the just right to rule.

But what happens if the government no longer follows the Constitution, by evading rules and procedures established in it, by disregarding the limits to its powers, or by violating the principles that it embodies- founding principles like separation of powers, checks and balances, limited government, popular sovereignty, judicial review, and federalism? Does the United States government still have the just power to rule when it violates the social contract that was signed with the people of our nation, or pretends that there never was any sort of contract and that this agreement was some sort of vague statement from the past that has no relevance to today? What are the people of our nation to do when the government that rules them increasingly lacks legitimacy and the just power to rule?

The people need to engage in a revolution- a revolution at the ballot box. But what if the election system itself is no longer a fail gauge of what is just or not- what if more people have figured out the best way to wealth is to vote it out of other people's pockets, or that the most effective way to get ahead in this world is to use the force of government to transfer wealth from one favored group to another. What if those people begin to outnumber the hard-working citizens of our nation, the wealth producers, the charity-givers, and the soldiers who defend our land (all of these groups are statistically more conservative than liberal). What if the ballot box becomes simply a means to legitimize the tyranny of the minority by the majority who no longer respects checks and balances, limited government, or federalism. What then?

What you are going to see in this nation is an increase in partisanship, an increase in fighting, an increase in craziness, an increase in bitterness, and increase in hate speech, an increase in lawbreaking, and a breakdown of the law and order of this nation. You're already seeing it- look around you at the nuts shooting up the Pentagon, or running airplanes into buildings, or Congresswomen advocating lawbreaking, or fighting and yelling on the floor of Congress. Our nation is being ripped apart, and it will come increasingly to violence and bad things, and then it will go one of two ways- the forces of liberty, freedom, protection of property, and celebration of life will win the day and things will be good again; or the forces of tyranny, oppression, confiscation of property, and the destruction of life will win the day and they will put down their opponents with brutal oppression.

This road that we are traveling as a nation is not a good one, and things need to change. Sadly, voters choose the wrong kind of change, and now we have a party that is willing to destroy our nation and economy in order to put more change in place.

Things are going to get ugly around here, and that's a shame.

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