Michigan Liberal Demonstrates Stupidity of Obamacare Supporters

One of the most striking features of liberals in the Democratic Party is their stupidity. They are like little children who, lacking any understanding of economics or history, have childish notions for the way the world works. For example, over at Michigan Liberal, there is a post called Representative Gary Peters: Keep standing up for us, not the insurance companies. The entire post is the following video.

This video says that insurance premiums are going up and that is reason for the government to take over the entire insurance industry, give free coverage to illegal immigrants, divert tax money into killing unborn babies, and put in place death panels. Government restrictions, laws, and regulations are the reason for insurance premiums going up, and the solution is not more government, but less.

Liberals suggest that the reason premiums are going up is that evil insurance agents are making obscene profits, but if that is the case, the solution is easy- open up competition so lower cost insurance companies run by decent people can compete with those evil high profit (and high premium) companies. But that can't happen either, because of government regulation and laws, which restrict competition and put in place local politically connected monopolies.

So, again, liberals act like children- they don't understand why costs are going up so they turn to nanny government to bring down costs, without understanding why costs went up or how the government taking over things will bring them down. You watch the video- tell me if I am missing something here.

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