I Don't Have a Freaken Clue who Charles and David Koch Are- And Yet I'm a Tea Partier

George Moonbeam, writing in the Guardian, attempts to propagate the kind of nonsense that you will hear a lot of after the biggest Tea Party ever next Tuesday- that the Tea Party movement is an 'astroturf' movement by the super rich which is attempting to give more power to evil corporations.

Moonbeam begins his editorial, which I found on RealClearPolitics and was also linked to on Memeorandum, by stating that the Tea Party Movement is "mostly composed of passionate, well-meaning people who think they are fighting elite power, unaware that they have been organised by the very interests they believe they are confronting." You hear that Tea Partiers- Mr. Moonbean thinks that  you are idiots who have been duped by evil right wing corporations into fighting for the very things you disagree with. He goes on to detail how Charles and David Koch are some guys who are organizing the entire tea party movement.

When will these liberal elitists get it- the Tea Party movement is local and powerful and not astroturf!

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