Obama Takes Break from TV and Golf to Do Interveiws with Pajama Bloggers

From the Huntington Post, via Gatewaypundit, we get a glimpse into exactly how the President of the United States spends his time running the executive branch of our nation:

President Barack Obama has gone on a veritable media blitz as the election has approached, speaking to reporters in off-record settings, doing sit-down interviews with traditional (National Journal) and alternative (Rolling Stone) publications, and appearing on radio programs with varying audiences (Al Sharpton and Michael Smerconish’s shows just this week). The reach extends deep into the entrails of the new media world as well. On Wednesday, the president conducted what appears to be the first ever in-person sit-down with political bloggers, hosting a group of five in the White House.
A lot of blogs are focusing on the fact that the bloggers that the President of the United States met with happen to be some of the most liberal bloggers on the net and advocate views ranging from fascism to communism, but that's not really what I want to point out- I want to point out that while our economy continues to suffer, while the war continues against terrorism, while poverty continues to grow, and while Iran goes about building a nuclear bomb to wipe out Israel, our President has decided that the best way to spend his time, talents, and energy is taking a break from making appearances on TV shows and playing golf to instead do interviews, radio programs, and hold meetings with pajama bloggers.

Did you vote for this clown? Did anyone you know vote for him? Are you serious about even thinking about possibly voting for him again?

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