Voting ends soon in the Imagine Cup!

Right now my students are enjoying Kodu and making Xbox style video games on the PC to teach digital citizenship. Here are some very advanced student projects and I hope you'll vote! (It ends 14 hours from the time of this post -- some time about 4 am EST April 1st, 2011. So, review and vote.

From one of my friends at Microsoft:

"It's no secret that the U.S. is falling behind when it comes to science and math. It's estimated that by 2014, there will be 1 million new jobs in science and technology related fields added to the U.S. workforce, but the U.S. will only be able to fill 50% of those jobs with qualified US graduates. Now, more than ever, is the time to support and encourage the next generation to pursue opportunities in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and design.

Microsoft's Imagine Cup<
>, the world's premier student technology competition, provides a unique opportunity to showcase positive examples of students who are making an impact around the world. This year, over 70,000 students in the US registered for the competition, creating real solutions for real problems while learning valuable skills to prepare them for future.

Today we are launching the People's Choice Awards<>, a fun opportunity to meet the finalists, view videos of their projects and vote for your favorite team. Students this year created a mobile app to detect malaria, video games to help teach environmental responsibility and a supply chain system for humanitarian efforts. The Software Design and Game Design teams with the most votes will be crowned champions at the Imagine Cup 2011 US Finals awards ceremony on April 11th.

Check out this video<> to get a feel for the event and don't forget to vote!"
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