HR Director Asked to See My College Transcripts Today

Today my school district asked to see my college transcripts. I've been working at the district for several years, but we have a new human resource director, and he wants to make sure that I indeed meet the required qualifications for the job. When he asked me to give him evidence of my qualifications, I did so. My main college transcript said that I had received several credits from transfer classes, so my HR director asked for more evidence to further elaborate on these transfer classes. So I gave him the longer version of my college transcripts- he's my boss and I have nothing to hide about being qualified for the job. It is silly to play games with this sort of thing- if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't hide anything. I gave him the originals, and asked him to make copies from that, figuring that was a lot more transparent way of doing things than producing a copy or pdf or something of my transcript. No reason to create any smoke if there isn't any fire, I always say.

I sort of think that there is a lesson or something in here, but what do I know- I'm only a lowly teacher and not the President of the United States.

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