Famous Picture of War Room During OBL's Death Was Faked?

Say it isn't so! Apparently the picture of the war room, the picture that captured the event and is a definitive picture of Obama's leadership during this noteworthy event, was staged. The picture captures an incredible scene- we see all of our heroes gathered around, looking at a video feed of the brave attack on OBL's compound that they had just ordered; Hillary Clinton holding her hand over her mouth in visible anguish, Obama tense and intense, Biden staring at the screen, and all of the other advisers watching as their plans and hard work are put to the test- only there was no video feed and our 'hero's are merely listening to an audio feed of the event and the photo itself may have been staged. Hillary Clinton said this about the photo:

"I have no idea what any of us were looking at that particular millisecond when the picture was taken," she said on Thursday when asked about the photo during a visit to Rome. "I am somewhat sheepishly concerned that it was my preventing one of my early spring allergic coughs. So it may have no great meaning whatsoever," Clinton added.
Please say this isn't so- I want America to be a great nation that does great things, like bringing evil killers to justice, and I liked the imagery of our leaders gathered around making important and meaningful decisions and watching the results of those decisions- the photo captured the event- and if the photo was simply staged as propaganda by what a President that is increasingly dishonest with the American people, it is really going to bother me. Obama better not have muddied the waters of this event merely to satisfy his own vanity- America got her justice, and that should have been enough, and it didn't have to be about him and him getting his iconic picture.

Via theblogprof.

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