Obama Cleverly Replaces Birther Conspiracy with Deather Conspiracy? A Theory on How the Release of the Birth Certificate connects to Attack on OBL

I keep coming back to the simple question "Why did Obama not release his birth certificate earlier?" It has been bothering me ever since he just released it last week- there was nothing controversial it in, nothing secret, nothing that would have violated any sort of laws, nothing illegal in it, nothing fishy in it, and it appears to be legitimate. Why then did he keep it secret and hidden for all of these years, knowing full well that when asked, he could have simply produced it? And why was that reason for keeping it secret suddenly removed, all of a sudden, a week ago, so that now there was no reason to hide it and laugh off questions about it without ever answering them?

When Obama released the birth certificate, we all assumed it was because of the pressure that Trump had been putting on the President- that when he demanded it be released, suddenly Obama jumped and released it- but I no longer think that is the case. Obama resisted other requests and denied others the birth certificate, so he could have done the same for Trump. So why release it last week- what did he know or what changed that enabled him to release it?

Of course today, looking back, we all know why Obama released his birth certificate last week- because he knew where Osama bin Laden was and was putting together a mission to go after him and knew that later that week he would score the biggest unqualified and unquestioned success of his Presidency.

So, how does Obama knowing that he is going to take out Osama bin Laden change anything at all regarding his previous positions on his birth certificate?

One theory is that the birth certificate was faked and phony, and that he released the fake one to bury the story and rumor of his non-citizenship knowing that the entire nation would focus instead on the successful killing of OBL. So he released his birth certificate on 4/27 (Wednesday) and plans on killing OBL on the 30th (Saturday), although because of weather they instead do it on 5/1 (Sunday), in the hopes that this will discredit those who continue to doubt his citizenship or at least bury their news and stories behind the news and stories of OBL's death. Personally, I think this theory is far-fetched, but I do offer it up to my more conspiracy minded readers as food for thought.

A second theory, and the one that I now feel is the most plausible, is that Obama is going to replace the 'birther' conspiracy with a new 'deather' conspiracy.

Obama is clever, much the same way that many tyrants are clever, and he knows that because his positions and beliefs and policies are bad for our nation and don't make any sense and are based purely on empowering him and his allies, he can't engage in a conversation with his opponents or get in a debate based on ideas and ideals and reality. Instead, he is clever to understand that the only way that he can get and keep more and more power for himself and his friends and allies is by discrediting his opponents and making them appear less intelligent, less sophisticated, less worldly, and less human, so that when his opponents make valid criticisms and critiques of him and his bad policies, he can simply laugh them off as nuts and fools.

If your goal is to make people look like fools and discredit them, then one way to do this is to tell them conflicting stories, tell them partial stories, give them suggestive statements, and hide things, and then when they run with these suspicions to laugh at them and discredit them as nuts and fools, whose very real and honest and accurate views and positions are now weakened by their being suckered into his discrediting game.

The birther conspiracy was a great one- he himself spun it, kept it going, laughed off questions about it without answering them, and fed the story, knowing that it would sucker his opponents into making personal attacks on him and insinuations about his heritage and birth, to which he could turn around and cry 'racist'. But this conspiracy was getting played out and losing its edge, so he now has a better one- the 'deather' conspiracy.

The story of Osama bin Laden's death is simply and clear and able to be communicated in a way that has no ambiguity or cloudiness or confusion, and yet, the story of his death as told by Obama is not being told this way at all. The interweb is all the rage with conspiracy theories, ranging from those who say that OBL isn't really dead to conflicting stories about how he died to confusion regarding what the SEAL's orders were to staged photo's. And Obama is feeding this, refusing to clarify the issue and actively muddying the waters, knowing that this will sucker in the nuts and fools and perhaps some legitimate challengers too and that the mud will splash up and hit other Republicans too.

Obama is clever- he is going to try to replace the 'birther' conspiracy with a 'deather' conspiracy. You watch- it is already happening, and the liberals on TV and radio and in the blogosphere are already laughing at it. Obama is going to take a non-fire, blow some smoke, and then laugh at the fools with get suckered in, because he knows that when the time comes next election, he can discredit these people as unAmerican because they don't take pride in the killing of OBL. This time around, he'll discredit his opponents who question what exactly happened on this mission, why photo's were staged, why stories were changed and modified, why questions were answered by him clearly, and what really went down by simply laughing at anyone who questions him and pointing out that he did something that Bush could never do and that he is more in touch with America and he got the guy who caused 9/11 and anyone asking questions is not really an American and not really patriotic and not really for the victims of 9/11.

Tell me- am I way off on this theory? Does it not explain why Obama finally decided to release his birth certificate on Wednesday, knowing that he had a better and more clever way to discredit his opponents in his back pocket to be pulled out on Saturday? How does the release of the birth certificate on Wednesday connect to attack on Osama bin Laden on Sunday?

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