Obama Travels to NYC to View Site of Future Ground Zero Mosque, Lay Wreath too

Last week, President Barack Obama saw the site of the future Ground Zero Victory Mosque (or as it is sometimes called the Cordoba House Initiative Project, or Ground Zero Mosque, or Celebration of the Thousands Killed by Extremist Muslims, or Cordoba Initiative) for the first time, as he laid a wreath at the site of the collapsed Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York to pay tribute to victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks against the United States.

Obama last year gave his blessing to "the right of Muslims to build a place of worship" on Ground Zero and was supportive of the building of a 'victory mosque' on the site of the most successful attack ever on America by Muslim extremists by Muslim extremists, and last week he took time from his busy schedule to view this location before he laid a wreath at the foot of the Survivor Tree, which sustained damage during the attack but was freed from the rubble.

Obama also visited a fire station that lost 15 firefighters during the attack and almost drove within sight of the victory mosque before he stopped by another lower Manhattan police station. One year after he trumpeted that "as President, I believe that Muslims have... the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances", he stopped by New York City to bring meet with people after the U.S. commando raid in Pakistan killed 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden.

Of the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attack that bin Laden masterminded, Obama said: `'We keep them in our hearts. We haven't forgotten."

Obviously he hopes that people have forgotten that he supports building an Islamic victory mosque on the same ground that he visited to honor the fallen victims of 9/11- I guess when you are taking credit for killing an evil terrorist it is okay to say that the ground is holy and honor those who were killed on it, but when you are defending Muslims it is okay to say that the ground isn't holy and that anyone can build whatever they want on it, even a victory mosque that celebrates the attack (and also is a house of worship and is an educational center and other stuff too, but mostly a victory mosque).

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