Remember Mother's Day! 5 Great Ways for Teachers to Help Kids Remember Mom.

Mother's Day is Next Sunday.

I found this video back in March and scheduled this to share with you as you prepare for Mother's Day. Mama's have a lot to do with our dreams. My mom founded this computer lab and started it right here in this room. My favorite quote from her first year. She told the students.

"Today I don't know how to turn these computers on and right now you'll have to teach me. But I'm learning and I'm going to pass you."
That is the attitude that we should all have! One of humility, determination and learning! Take time to get ready for this Sunday. Remember!

Thank you, Mama for being my teacher, my inspiration, my hero and one of my best friends on this planet. I love you, Mama.

Help Your Students Remember Mom
  • Have students make a book using the amazing UDL Bookbuilder from CAST. Not just for kids with disabilities, this website has a ton of great tools for reaching all students. Teach them to create a book and then share it with Mom over email. 
  • Have students grab pictures and take some and make a private Voicethread for Mom and email her the link. This is something even young students can do.
  • Let your students create a Glogster (Graphic Blog) for Mom and email her the link.
When you remember Mom using technology, it lets students show off what they are learning and remember Mom at the same time.

Mother's DayImage via Wikipedia

More Traditional Ways to Remember Mom from the Classroom

  • Billy Bear's Happy Mother's Day for Kids - This website has certificats, something they can email their Mom recognizing them as "Best Mom," Promise Cards, and more. 
  • Mother's Day Crafts - I really like the Mother's Day Mirror and Earring Holder Projects on this page. (Also instructions and printables for window clings.)
  • I like the Mother's Day guide from Family Fun. It was a website I used when my kids were young.

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