Liberal Teachers To Students- Play God

The government takeover of healthcare might be beaten back this time, but there is a strong possibility that there will come a time when the progressives win the battle. The reason why I advance this depressing thought is because the progressives have taken over the public schools, and they are educating your children, not you. Here is an example of what goes on in a typical social studies class, time after time, year after year.

A frequent activity that teachers have students engage in is to have students from social studies to elementary school to high school pretend that they are a government entity or official and give them control over the world to do anything that they want, without any consequences at all.

Now, not every student will grow up to be a government dictator, but what they are actually learning from this activity is that it is okay and normal for the government to just do things, without a thought to the consequences. The students are taught that it is good to tell businesses what to do, that it is the role and job of government to control private citizens and dictate what their rights are, and that is it okay for government to decide how other people should live their lives. Students are taught these things- teachers issue directions to students and actively encourage them to pretend to rule the world.

What did you expect would happen in schools run and staffed by liberals? They think that it is okay for the government to control others and legislate rights, and so the liberal teacher teaches students that this is an okay thing to do.

The worst part is when these liberal teachers get a young student who has either learned about conservative values or instinctively recognizes the human yearning for freedom and liberty. These 'trouble-maker' students question the assignment. They question the authority of the teacher, and question the direction these teachers are taking the class, and openly foment insubordination by simply voicing their recognition of the liberal teacher's attempt to pollute the minds of their students with propaganda and dreams of dictatorship.

I've seen it. Once, when I was doing my state-mandated observation, I saw a a fifth grader slapped down (verbally) by a teacher. He was given an assignment to design laws that protect the sea turtle. While other students were busy writing ways to seize private property, stop economic growth, and limit rights and freedoms of people, this student raised his hand and said he really didn't think that sea turtles needed any more help. This was a good point- something that could be debated for the benefit of the whole class- but instead, the liberal teacher simply told the student to toe the line and submit to authority and pretend to be a dictator like the other young students.

A sixth grade class I observed had students design ways to combat “sprawl," and a seventh grade class spent some time designing schemes to combat “global warming.”

I once observed an eight grade class spend several days discussing how government can combat unemployment. The plans which were analyzed and discussed where chosen by the teacher, and students read news stories and articles about the successes of these various plans. The plans which were discusses were either schemes of wealth redistribution or government-provided jobs. A constant theme of the discussion was that businesses were evil, that earning profits was evil, and that attempts to establish efficiency in business by letting go inefficient or unproductive employees was evil. This teacher believed that the purpose of a business was to provide a job, regardless or production or profit entailed from this.

This is what is going on in education. Think about this when you send your children back to school this week.

UPDATE I: Welcome readers of Pundit & Pundette. If you enjoyed this post, you'll also enjoy Opening Day Message: Viciously Attack Conservatives, Bloomfield Hills Schools Sticking with Leftist Curriculum, Breakroom Conversations with Teachers, Obama Administration to Bribe States to Impose Liberal UN Agenda in Schools, or Students Accept Majority Tyranny. Be sure to check back often for more stories from the battleground of education!

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