Simplifying the Healthcare Debate Again

It appears that the liberals and the media have decided to rally around the dignity of the office of the President of the United States, who was deeply offended when some Congressmen couldn't control the shout of 'you lie' when Obama lied during his speech. This is typcial hypocrite liberal stuff- they shouted and booed during Bush's 2005 State of the Union speech. And to be honest, it isn't that big of a deal anyways- Republicans would hiss for Clinton, Democrats would heckle Reagan, and once in our history, that was democracy. Now, dissent has been deemed a game that is played by liars and deceivers, and it Obama says his administration will no longer tolerate any dissent.

Well, I dissent. Obama is a liar- he does not tell truths, and it is time to simplify the situation. When things get complicated, it is time to simplify. The government says that there is a problem with insurance. Insurance is a system where people pay money into the system, and if something bad happens,they can take out of the system. Insurance works because most people will pay more in to the system than they take out, thus providing money for those who draw more heavily on the system due to something bad happening.

The way to make a profit in the insurance business is to properly identify risk- who is going to pay more in, who is going to take more out- but also to attract customers and keep customers. If a policy drops people when they are ill, others will hear about this and drop that policy and that policy will no longer attract customers. So there is an incentive for companies to not be too focused on just risk.

There will be some people though who do not want to pay in to the system, and then when they get sick will want to draw out of the system. That is not fair to everyone else who is playing by the rules. These people are uninsurable because of pre-existing conditions, with the condition being that they did not get insurance when they were well. I feel badly for them, but they made their own choices in this world, and society should not reward people for making bad choices.

Some people are too poor to afford insurance. Either their company does not offer it to them because their company can not afford to employ them and offer it, or because they do not have a job. That's tough. The great thing about America though is that we have people who are willing to help out these people out of the goodness of their hearts,through charities and private initiatives. This does not solve the problem, but it is a good start.

So, let's go back now to this complicated situation, focusing mostly on the President's speech last night and the magical bill that he is proposing. Evaluate what he said. Is he taking a simple situation and making it more complicated, rewarding bad decisions, and having an inefficient/corrupt government seize actions that private compassionate individuals could do? Or is he finally once and for all of time going to fix the system, period? I think the answer is quite simple to this complicated question.

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