The 2009 Democratic Party Constitution

In my wanderings around the internet, I finally found the Democratic Party's real platform. According to it, the Democratic party is the party of the people and supports increased voting rights for all, specifically workers groups and the poor who have not had a proper voice in government. The real platform for the Democrat Party includes such important social and economic rights like the rights to work, rest and leisure, health protection, care in old age and sickness, housing, education, and cultural benefits.

Today, the Democratic Party is committed to these goals. They are pushing for government run health care, they are pushing for increased government programs for elderly, they are fighting for union labor, and even have begun to push more government involvement and funding in the arts.

Furthermore, this constitution that the Democratic Party is pushing attempts to put in place more commissions and bureaucratic agencies that will run our nation and make choices for us.

The surprising thing is, the real platform of the Democratic Party is the 1936 Soviet Constitution.

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