Revolution is Brewing

The sense of desperation and frustration and impending doom is hanging in the air. The election of Obama did indeed bring radical change to our nation, a change that it may never recover from. It isn't just the crushing and mind-numbing debt load, the nationalization of key industries like the auto industry and the banking industry, the attempt to implement drastic energy control and tax laws, the utter and total disregard for the Constitution, and the daily drama and crisis. It is the attempt to do more and more, including taking over the healthcare industry.

At each step, freedom loving patriots attended tea parties, rallies, marches and town hall meetings in order to peacefully express our unwillingness to be exploited by the power-grabbers in the federal government. Letter-writing and phone calls were made. On radio and television, the case is made to combat each enlargement of the state in our lives.

And at every step, we were derided and ignored. Our thoughts and beliefs were not listened to and plans were not adjusted accordingly- instead, under the most divisive and partisan President in our history, leading the most divisive and partisan and bitter party in the history of party politics, our country has sprinted to tyranny and change.

And many out there are getting close to the breaking point. The 2010 elections can't come fast enough, even though we all know that when the time comes, election fraud will be rampant and the reality that we are living in a nation of men who rule based on corruption and vote-buying will be sadly revealed to us. We hope beyond hope, and all the while grow more and more scared and depressed.

I was reading an interesting blog today called Thought You'd Never Ask, and the author wrote:

Now perhaps it is time for dissenters to move into the second phase of the tea parties--where the tea actually gets dumped into the drink. Perhaps it is time to make ourselves not be so easily dismissed. Perhaps it is time to become more of a force to be dealt with.

Some are saying they will end withholding on their federal income taxes--creating an immediate drop in tax revenues that, if enough citizens participate in, cannot be ignored. Some are saying it is time to emulate the left's street-theater tactics: becoming a law enforcement (and hence a time- and money-consuming) problem by obstructing roads, being chained to railings, clogging the jails and the courts in Washington D.C., and what not. I am certainly not expert on such things, having never cared to study the methods of civil disruption as Bill Ayers and his ilk have. I have always considered such things to be beneath my notice as a good citizen. But perhaps the time has come to study the principles and tactics of civil disobedience and even adopt them as the last resort of self defense and achieving true justice.

Perhaps some people should break into Acorn buildings. Or spray-paint "Government Theft" on anything the federal government pays for that is clearly an unConstitutional or boondoggling use of taxpayer funds. I know there are a lot of people out there more clever than I am who can do something productive.

After all, it seems that most dissent against the government is about to be outlawed anyway. That is the leftist plan: make so many laws and vague, obscure, poorly-written regulations against regular citizens that they cannot live as law-abiding citizens anymore, even if they wanted to. And so it becomes a civil war to preserve our rights and our country that even little old suburban "soccer moms" like me have to eventually enlist in.

I keep hoping to wake up from this appalling nightmare, but it seems the ghouls in Washington are real. Our fellow Americans, sent to Washington to represent and protect our best interests, really do want to rob, impoverish, and enslave us and bankrupt our country.

The revolution is brewing, ladies and gentlemen.

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