Big Government Health Care PSA

One of the most defining features of the debate over the government takeover of the health insurance industry is the lack of coherent logic by those who want the US government to nationalize large segments of the economy. The advocates claim they want this because there isn't enough choice and the cost is too high, yet they ignore the fact that having one big government provide insurance is less of a choice and that the federal government usually does things at a substantially higher cost than private industry. The advocates arguments are full of holes and logical fallacies that would be sad and funny if they weren't so dangerous.

And now celebrities have gotten in the act, supporting the Celebrity-in-Chief and his plan to pretend and act his way through important decisions. Will Ferrell and others have created a video in support of the nationalization of our economy, view it here. And in in response there have been several video's produced that are quite amusing. My favorite is here:

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