Can You Spare 13K From Your Budget? Democrats Think So

According to the most recent analysis by the Congressional Budget office, the Democrat's health care bill will eventually cost families of four that make over $78,000 another 13.5K in taxes- an increase in average premiums of $8,800 plus $5,000 more in copays, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.

A starting salary for a teacher in Michigan is about 30K. Teach for a couple years, earn a Masters Degree, and you're looking at 40K in salary. If you happen to marry another teacher, you're now in that area where the government thinks you owe them more money. I don't know why- there is no moral grounds to say that two young people building a family and working hard and just happen to do okay owe anybody anything in a free nation.

Health care costs are a problem in our society, and are becoming more of a problem the more government gets involved. Health care coverage is a problem in our society, and is becoming a bigger and bigger problem the more government gets involved.

But to make my family or your family cut another 13K from our budget will result in less money spent by us buying goods and services, less investments by us in businesses, less savings for our future, and the inability to pay for college for our children. It will not lead to a better nation, a more prosperous nation, when the state forces me to give them wages from my hard work so that other people can get free health care. It does not lead to a more moral, responsible, ethical society when the government intimidates me with its agents into giving up my money that I earned so that people out there can get something for nothing.

This is why we should oppose the healthcare bill. To do this, contact Congressman, attend rallies, talk to friends, and vote Republican next election. We can't afford not to. You can't afford not to.

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