Good Intentions Will Lead Us to Tyranny

In Tyranny: Healthcare Reform Threat to Life, Liberty, and Property I wrote:

Freedom and liberty are precious in this world, and are now under attack, not by evil people who seek your harm, but by people who through good intentions and intellectual reasoning would lead us into tyranny.
This point often goes unremarked on, but it is an important one. The people who are pushing for healthcare reform are decent people. They really feel that by the government controlling larger and larger parts of society, the world will be a better place. My Congressman, who likely will vote for Obamacare, is a good guy- a veteran, well-educated, and a decent person. Democrats and liberals are not bad people- they are just wrong.

Our founding fathers understood that the best way to insure the protection of our life, our liberty, and our property was to create a limited government. If government became unlimited, and could do whatever it felt like it wanted to do, then pressure would now exist for it to act in a tyrannical manner. Not because of evil people- it's not like we have evil dictators here- but because that is the nature of an unlimited government.

For example, a story broken by Business Week reports that earlier this week, a number of politically connected companies such as Citigroup and Goldman Sachs received quantities of the H1N1 vaccine to provide to their employees who belong to high-risk groups. The author of hte blog Bible, Math, Politics and More! saw this story and realized something- that when the government is in charge of distributing healthcare, pressure will exist to do so in a corrupt and tyrannical manner, not because of evil intent, but because this is what happens when government is in charge of distributing goods and services.
There will be times when the demand for a healthcare supply or service will exceed the demand. Some will obtain the supply or service; others, for whatever reason, will not. Those who are "in the know" or have connections will be more likely to receive it; others will not. Furthermore, it is likely that some will not only be "in the know" but will be able to circumvent whatever bureaucratic-nightmare procurement process will be in place.

You may not be near the front of the line. You may not even be told where the line is. You may see others obtain healthcare while you or your loved ones do not. You may not be able to do anything about it.

And you will start to wonder how similar this is to the Soviet Union of the 1970's and 1980's.
This is why you should oppose the Democrat's plans for healthcare, and for that matter, their plans for energy, transportation, taxes, and whatever else they want to do. Do not oppose Democrats and fight against them in elections because they are bad people- do it because they are wrong, and their policies are wrong, and their beliefs and intentions will lead our nation to a tyranny that resembles Soviet Russia more than United States of America.

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