Mitt Romney on Leadership in the Gulf

There is a reason why I have suggested several times that our nation should elect Mitt Romney for President in 2012. It is not because I 'hate Obama,' it is not because 'I am racist,' it is not because I am a 'GOP plug,' and it is not because I am 'a paid political consultant'- nope, the reason why Mitt Romney should be President of the United States of America is because he is the best man for the job.

In Get Comfortable with Mitt in 2012 I wrote "solid, reliable, able conservative executives who do good things and do them well. Let's start getting more comfortable with Mitt in 2012." In New Faces in 2012? Nah, Make it Mitt Instead I wrote " Republicans don't need a 'conservative Obama'- we already have seen what happens when you put an inexperienced idealistic rube in office, and it isn't pretty. We don't need a 'new fresh face' or even someone 'from outside the establishment.' What the Republicans need to do is put a responsible, solid, experienced, and learned President in the White House- not someone who is going to set the world on fire and be a revolutionary, but one who will start the task of 8 years of solid, steady, digging."

Romney has kept up his profile over the last several years (The Man Who Should Be President Gives Advice), and today he has written another nice article for USA Today about a very important skill that President Obama lacks- leadership:

....The president is meeting with his oil spill experts, he crudely tells us, so that he knows "whose ass to kick." We have become accustomed to his management style — target a scapegoat, assign blame and go on the attack. To win health care legislation, he vilified insurance executives; to escape bankruptcy law for General Motors, he demonized senior lenders; to take the focus from the excesses of government, he castigated business meetings in Las Vegas; and to deflect responsibility for the deepening and lengthening downturn, he blames Wall Street and George W. Bush. But what may make good politics does not make good leadership. And when a crisis is upon us, America wants a leader, not a politician.....
....In a crisis, the leader must gather the experts — federal, state, local, public and private — not to discover who is to blame but to secure their active and continuous involvement until the crisis is resolved. There is extraordinary power inherent in an assembly of brilliant people guided by an able leader. In virtually every historic national crisis, our most effective leaders gathered the best minds they could find — consider the Founders in Philadelphia, Lincoln with his "Team of Rivals," Roosevelt with scientists and generals seeking to end World War II, Kennedy with the "Best and Brightest" confronting the Cuban missile crisis.....
....What happens when men and women of various backgrounds, fields of expertise, and unfettered intellectual freedom come together to tackle a problem often exceeds any reasonable expectation....
....Finding fault is easier than finding answers. And worse, it paralyzes many of the very people who may be needed to solve a crisis....
Romney is right- what we need right now is someone who will use what power and authority and resources that the federal government has to help, and other than that stay out of the way. Attacking BP isn't going to help anything, and there will be plenty of time for that later if that is what is called for. And sitting down with lawyers, labor union leaders, watermellons, and anti-war activists isn't going to help him come up with any new ideas to solve this issue. It's Day 52- what sort of leadership has he demonstrated from his position as most powerful leader in the world?

You need to ask yourself- would you want your business run by Mitt Romney or Barack Obama? If the left is stubborn enough to resubmit Obama to the American people in 2012 and have the nation evaluate Obama on his record and achievements and leadership during his time in office, I think the choice is clear- Mitt Romney needs to kick Obama's arse.

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