No WTU Elections For You: If President George Parker Has Anything To Do With It !

The Washington Teachers' Union (WTU) is looking a bit iffy these days in terms of election preparedness thanks to teachers' union prez' George Parker. And with less than three weeks to go until school is out, things just keep getting stickier. It seems that there will be no WTU elections for officers- not yet if George Parker has his way. First the elections committee was bungled and AFT President Randi Weingarten had to intervene and oversee a secret ballot for the elections committee. After the elections committee was elected last week, I received a courtesy copy of an email from the WTU Elections Committee Chairperson, Claudette Carson since I am running as a candidate for the WTU General Vice President. Carson asserts that when the WTU election committee asked union president George Parker to provide copies of the most current membership list, two most recent union dues report and all nominating petitions for all elected positions submitted by April 30, 2010- George Parker REFUSED to provide the necessary information so that the elections committee could proceed with union elections. Now that's a way for Parker to stay in office.

Each week until our union elections move forward as required by our WTU constitution, I plan to publish a roundup of the week’s big news related to 'election bungles' courtesy of George Parker. If you’ve got news or opinions to share on our elections of union officers, please add them in the comments section below or send me an email c/o In the spirit of transparency, here is a copy of WTU Elections Committee Chairperson, Claudette Carson's email titled: President's refusal to comply with WTU Elections Committee's request for information :

June 2, 2010

George Parker
Washington Teachers’ Union
1825 K Street, NW Suite 1050
Washington, DC 20005
Ref: President’s refusal to comply with WTU Elections Committee’s request for Information
President Parker,

This letter verifies your denial of the WTU Elections Committee’s request for information and documents necessary to hold an election as required by the WTU Constitution and the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act. For the record, the Elections Committee Chairperson Claudette Carson, and its members Thomas O’Rourke and Darlene Nelson verbally requested said information after you refused to address the elections committee. General Vice President Saunders supplied you with the written notice of the Election Committee Chairperson election including the document request and the Elections committee desire to speak with you immediately. Previously, you denied the same request when made via email by General Vice President Saunders on our behalf allegedly for technical reasons. You asserted he did not have the right to ask. Prior to that, you denied the request of a former elections committee for the same material. Our committee, whose AFT supervised election was certified May 28, 2010 by the American Arbitration Association, is duly authorized and empowered by the WTU Constitution, Article VII and By-Laws Article VII (e).

Your previous and current dilatory actions do not allow the WTU to have elections as required. Your refusal to comply with the Elections Committee, WTU Constitution and law, unilaterally could bring, if left unchecked, the Elections Committee’s work to a halt. Although the Election Committee has no legal questions of Lee Jackson, Esq., any pertinent information you believe he has, should be provided in writing immediately. The Elections Committee views your refusal as a violation of WTU By-Laws Article III, Section 3 (A,C,I,and K) among others. We are, therefore, forced to secure legal counsel to fulfill our constitutional responsibilities for what amounts to your serious misconduct.


Claudette Carson, Chairperson
WTU Elections Committee

cc: Candi Peterson

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