Happy Independence Day

As a good patriot, I'm celebrating today- hanging a flag on my shed, mowing my lawn, eating burgers and fries, and re-reading our founding documents. I also came across this excellent essay on the Declaration of Independence, and here is how it ends:

...We won the Revolutionary War, of course. But, ironically and quite sadly, the war for our independence continues. Our leaders have rationalized our liberties. Our legislators have spent us into servitude. The U.S. Supreme Court thankfully just affirmed the Framers' Second Amendment intent. But our courts regularly mock the Constitution. Free and independent we remain, but a little less with each exception made, each dollar porked and every Founders' precept and Framers' proscription ignored.

Let us resolve on this Independence Day 2008 to rededicate ourselves to this nation's founding proposition. For liberty is the people's property. And it's the government that's supposed to serve the people -- not the other way around...

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