Pistons Davidson Endorses McCain

I've always been real impressed by Bill Davidson, who is the owner of the NBA team the Pistons. Because I'm a sports fan, the initial things that drew my interest were in how he runs his team- he runs his organization the right way. He hires quality people, trusts them, and when they don't perform, he lets them go nicely. The facilities he provides are top notch- the Palace of Auburn Hills is very nice.

It was through learning about the facilities that I began to be more impressed by the man. When the Lions wanted a new stadium in Detroit, they made the citizens of this state foot part of the bill. When the Tigers wanted a new stadium, they made citizens foot the bill. But Bill Davidson proudly turned down tax money, saying it wasn't right to take it. He gives millions for charities. He's a billionaire, who rescued a family company from bankruptcy and turned it successful, all without government help or bail-outs. He's the type of owner who stayed away from union labor, because he saw that the unions were not interested in the long-term health of the company or the employees.

And in an interview today, even though he is nonpartisan, he said that it is pretty clear cut that there is one candidate for President better than the other, and that is why he endorsed John McCain. I respect the man, and respect his choice.

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