Excerpts from Gary Imhoff - Opposed In The Mail

In the most recent publication of The Mail- dated 8/17/08- writer Gary Imhoff uncovers the latest from the results of the American Federation of Teachers independent poll of the DC Teacher contract proposal ( incomplete though it is). As always Mr. Imhoff challenges us to think critically and raises some important concerns that DC teachers should rightfully consider as they pontificate on the pitfalls and merits of this soon to be released for a vote tentative agreement. I maintain that information is power. Who can argue that except those who subscribe to the ignorance is bliss theory. Posted By: Candi Peterson

Check out this excerpt from Gary Imhoff's Opposed in The Mail:

"The firm that did the survey, Peter D. Hart Research Associates, Inc., has released a summary of its findings, WTU Members Oppose Contract Proposal( Here’s the key summary paragraph: “WTU members are aware of the contract negotiations, and they are highly dissatisfied with the proposed agreement. Concerns about seniority and tenure protections and tying teacher compensation to test scores trump other concerns, and most members are not willing to sacrifice these protections for the chance to receive large increases in salaries, bonuses, and benefits, especially because funding for these increases is not guaranteed.”

Check out Mr. Imhoff's full article, titled Opposed @

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