Poo Pooing on 9/11

Yesterday I was listening on the radio to Ed Schultz, the self-described voice of progressive radio, and one of the more popular liberal radio shows in the country. Many Democrats and liberals go on his show and talk about how much they value his opinions and encourage him to keep doing what he does. So when he states his opinions on things, I think it carries some weight about what liberals and Democrats are really thinking.

Yesterday, Ed went off on a rant after talking to a caller, and started to talk about how their is not going to be anything new going on at the Republican Convention next week- there it is going to the usual Republican hate-and-fear mongering fest. Then he adopts a mocking voice, dripping with sarcasm, and mocks the idea that things have changed since 9/11- in fact, he mocks the fact that Republicans even remember, care about, and bring up 9/11 still. This 'voice of the liberal left' goes on then to poo-poo the notion that our security situation changed after 9/11, and states that the world is the same it was and that we should go back to doing things the old way before Bush was in office.

This is change we can believe in- go back to the security situation of the Clinton years, and stand by while terrorists grow bolder and bolder in attacking us. This is what an Obama presidency will look like- weak responses and 'strong talking' as terrorists attack our civilians in our homeland once again. If Ed Schultz got his way, and the Democrats he talks to who agree with his ideas, he would pretend the real world didn't exist, and go on putting his head in the sand, calling it change.

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