Libertarians Screwed Themselves Again by Not-Voting or Voting Libertarian

This post could also read that Constitution Party members screwed themselves by not-voting or voting Constitution Party, and continues the attack on idiots who don't vote or vote third party that I started with my post Libertarians Screwed Themselves By Not Voting or Voting Libertarian. In that post, I pointed out that conservatives who didn't vote or voted for a third party candidate screwed themselves over when, by a narrow margin, they didn't help a strict constitutionalist judge (Cliff Taylor) get elected to the Michigan Supreme Court and instead helped up a loose liberal activist judge there (Hathaway).

I continually fail to see the logic behind libertarians, constitution party, or other conservative leaning people not voting for conservative candidates just because they have the word "Republican" in front of their name. Are you people voting third party morons, or just so devoted to the myth of third parties that you'd be willing to let Hitler win while you vote for Kurt von Schleicher (see my post von Schleicher).

Why this new attack on third party voters? I'm still fuming over What a Joke of a Nation we live in, where a person like Al Franken could be a Senator, especially in the manner that he might win. What really pisses me off is that today I heard on the radio the official vote count as of today, where Democrat Al "crack-smoking" Franken and Republican Norm Coleman are virtually tied at around 1,211,500 votes... and the Independence Party candidate has 437,000 votes, and the Libertarian Party candidate has 13,900 votes, and the Constitution Party candidate has 8,900 votes. If you were one of the 460,000 people who voted for one of these conservative or libertarian third party candidates in Minnesota Senate election instead of the moderately conservative or libertarian Coleman, you're a moron, because your vote helped put a hate filled socialist in office.

Look at the platforms, positions, resumes, and characters of the third party candidates and compare them to Coleman. Not much a difference. And by voting for the slight difference that they represent, you instead helped put a socialist political hack like Franken in office. To spite your nose, you blew up your whole country. Idiots. I'm sorry if I'm being mean to you Minnesotans who didn't vote for Senate or voted third party, but you're a child and didn't treat this election the way it needs to be treated- as a vote between a solid Republican and a threat to our nation.

"But, but, I like third parties, they're so cute, and if we all voted third parties, the world would change..." you whine. Fool. If all conservatives voted Republican, the world would change a lot quicker. This might sound like a Sith talking in absolutes, but if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Vote for conservative Republicans next time instead of voting third party or staying home.

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