Today is a Bad Day

My wife woke up this morning and said "Today is a bad day in history," and it made me think- is today really going to be a bad day for history? When it really comes down to it, historically-speaking, I judge 'days in history' based on whether they move us forward or backward- closer to our god-given rights to life, liberty, and property, or farther away from our god-given rights. So let's judge today based on that- does having Barack Obama begin his Presidency move us closer to life, liberty, and property?

The answer is no. Based on his past voting record and statements as to his plans for the future, today marks the beginning of a steady attack on your life, liberty, and property, and thus today is not a day to be happy and proud, but instead a day to be upset. Today is a day, just like any other day, and is not holy just because of the election of a man to the office of Presidency in our Republic. And in spite of what the media wants you to believe, we do have a very good idea as to what Obama will do to our country- his history and voting record are becoming more clear by the day.

So, my wife is correct- today is a bad day in history- it is a day where our right to life is respected and protected a little bit less, it is a day when we start to lose a little bit more our freedoms and liberty and ability to make free choices, and this inauguration of Obama is a day that will make it official that there is a large segment of this population that doesn't respect your right to property. Today is a day when we move a little bit farther away from the vision of our founding fathers, and it is a bad day when that happens.

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