When the Cure is the Disease

Listening to the radio today, I realized that Obama is the savior, and I know how he will be the savior. Victor Davis Hanson has a good article about how everything will suddenly change, but the change in perceptions is only half of it.

All the campaign talk of the Great Depression, a Vietnam-like war, and our shredded Constitution will now thankfully subside as the Obama administration assumes office and solves problems with conciliation, dialogue, and multilateral wisdom, rather than shrillness, unilateralism, preemption, and my-way-or-the-highway dogmatism. We will hear that, by historical levels, unemployment is still not that bad, that GDP growth is not historically all that low, and that deficits, inflation, interest rates, and housing starts are all within manageable parameters. "Depression" will transmogrify into "recession" which in turn by July will be a "downturn". Indeed, almost supernaturally crises will be solved with the departure of the hated Bush.

But this will only be half of it. The country will revive, in a fake way that will be very bad in the long run for our country, as Obama burns through the rest of 350 billion dollars 'stimulating' the economy, and then spends another trillion dollars on top of that. The amount of money boggles the mind, and the expenditures of the Obama administration will dwarf any amount of money ever spent by any government ever in the history of the world. This will revive America.

But at what cost? America can not afford annual deficits of a trillion dollars. Inflation will set in. Savings will be eaten away. Obama is the perfect President for our day, because he represents the recent failures- over leveraging of resources, fake gains, using politics to disguise unprofitably, and turning our economy from a capitalist one to a fascist one. Those are the problems that led to the recent crisis, and the man we elected President is not the cure of these- he is these. He promises more of what got us into our current situation.

America will be worse off after his administration, mark my words. There will be reasons, and blame, and all that- I've been living in Michigan where we have been sucking ever since we put Democrats in power, but it's somehow not their fault- but America will be worse off. I only hope he will not destroy our great nation in 'saving' it.

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