Núcleo Africano de Arte e Cultura Contemporânea-Luanda

Angola is making a bid to become Africa's leading contemporary culture centre, Louise Redvers reports on an interview with Fernando Alvim (president of the Fundação Sindika Dokolo) where he states:

“She started before she was ready,” he says. “We had the liberation struggle, then the civil war and all this time Angola was a child in an incubator, feeling the violence around her and suffering through each power cut in the hospital. Now, after the election, we have to see that there is a new beginning: Angola is ready; ready to grow, ready to develop.” ...If you have political and economic development like we have here, you need also cultural development. And this is a wonderful time for art in the country...[continue reading(PDF)]”
This article is part of a larger piece (in the Sonangol magazine) on Luanda's aspirations to becoming an alternate Dubai-A New African city:

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