Democrats More Likely to Believe in Ghosts, Global Warming, Psychic Powers, Stimulus Bills, Single Payer, and Astrology

A new study from the bipartisan Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found that liberals and Democrats are far more likely to believe in ghosts, psychic powers and astrology than their conservative/Republican counterparts. About 50 percent more Democrats than Republicans say they have spoken to the dead.

Michael Graham, writing in the Boston Herald, isn't surprised by this find at all- to him, it is obvious that the essence of contemporary liberalism is the ability to believe in nonsense:

This week, President Obama and his fellow Democrats told “60 Minutes” that they are serious about dealing with America’s debt problem. That very same Sunday, Senate Democrats pushed through a $1.1 trillion spending bill, every penny of which has to be borrowed.

President “No More Earmarks” is going to sign a bill that includes subsidies for Amtrak, a government pay raise and more than 5,000 individual earmarks for pork-barrel pols to send home the bacon. The ObamaCrats need to raise the debt ceiling by $1.8 trillion just to get through the 2010 elections. That’s as much debt in one year as the entire eight years of George W. Bush.

Then there’s the latest version of health care reform put forward by Sen. Harry Reid. We all know what great financial shape Medicare is in, right? (“It’s not technically bankrupt, it just needs more money” - Barney Frank).

Now Democrats want you to believe that the way to fix health care is to push millions of Americans into becoming new Medicare patients, while simultaneously cutting the Medicare budget by $500 million. It’s going broke, you’re adding millions of patients while cutting billions of dollars - and you think it will fix the problem?

I don’t believe in man-made CO2, that tiny fraction of all greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that Al Gore believes has the power to destroy the Earth. I don’t believe in Cinderella courtrooms with charms to turn international terrorists into mere criminals with all the rights of U.S. citizens. And I don’t believe in invisible jobs “saved” by magic “stimulus” money in Neverland’s 99th Congressional District.

I'm not surprised by this Pew Study either, having realized long ago that liberals will believe in almost anything (except that we have God-given rights to life, liberty, and property). Check out some of my ideas and thoughts about what Democrats believe in this post- The Religion of the Democrats.

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