Will Obama Bow to Lobo?

In Sunday’s presidential election, the voters of Honduras chose Partido Nacional candidate Pepe Lobo, who won 58%, compared to 33% for Partido Liberal candidate Elvin Santos. The biggest loser in the election was the candidate that US President Barack Obama supported, ousted former president Manuel Zelaya, who had violated Articles 373 and 374 of the Honduran Constitution and forfeited his office by attempting to arrange a second term for himself. He called for a boycott of the election, and in response the people of Honduras turned out in considerably larger number than normal- 61% (up from 53% in 2005).

Although Obama's administration said earlier that it would not recognize the winner of this election, preferring to side instead with dictators such as Daniel Ortega and Castro, he is going to have to back off from the position as it becomes more and more apparent that the government and people of Honduras acted in a legal, moral, constitutional, and correct manner, and that opposing them simply because they didn't back a dictatorial thug will not look good in the media. So Obama will likely recognize Pepe Lobo as the new President of Honduras.

The larger question is that when Obama does meet Lobo, will he bow to him, or does Obama only bow to Saudi royalty and Japanese emperors? Will he warmly hug Lobo, or does he only reserve warm hugs for Central and South American dictators? Will he sit down without pre-conditions with Lobo, or does he only do that to Iranian thugs and Chinese communists? How will Obama treat Lobo?

I would guess that since in Obama's bizzaro world right is wrong and up is down and good is bad, he will treat Mr. Lobo poorly, refuse to meet with him, and then when he does be very cold about it. It's just a guess, but it does fit the profile for Obama.

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