Prostitutes Offer Free Sex to Climate Summit Delegates

From Spiegel Online- Prostitutes Offer Free Climate Summit Sex:

Copenhagen's city council sent postcards out to 160 Copenhagen hotels urging guests and delegates to the UN Climate Summit to 'Be sustainable - don't buy sex'.

In response, Copenhagen prostitutes are up in arms, saying that the council has no business meddling in their affairs. They have offered free sex to anyone who can produce one of the offending postcards and show their Summit identity card, as a way to reward those who disobey the city council.
Let me state for the record that I do not in any way approve of prostitutes or frequent prostitutes. That being said, I don't understand the position of the Copenhagen city council- why is buying sex not sustainable? Sex is a renewable resource. When two people engage in it, it does not create a large carbon footprint. By paying for sex, money is transferred to poor and young people in society, which is usually what is meant by being 'sustainable.' It is a natural way to heat up the night without burning any sort of fuels. In every way that I can think of, it seems sustainable. Am I missing something?

What I also want to know is if the postcards that were mailed to the guests were printed on recycled paper and whether or not they were carried by environmentally friendly birds, or whether they were heavy glossy affairs sent around the world by gas-guzzling jets.

Also, why is this a problem now? Is frequent visits to prostitutes not a problem when conservative, Republican, libertarian, or right-wing groups visit Copenhagen? Or is there a considerable and noticeable uptick in business only when liberal, leftist, global warming believers arrive? It's odd- why would a postcard like that go out unless it this particular group was perceived as being a particular problem.

I guess these questions will have to remain unanswered, much like the larger question about whether or not the Earth is warming or not.

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