Voting Present on Iran

As the children play in the White House, the adults in Iran are up to no good. Victor Davis Hanson keeps our attention on this important subject in his article Voting Present on Iran:

Iran just announced a radical expansion of its uranium-enrichment facilities. The news followed the recent disclosure of the country's previously secret nuclear facility near the city of Qom -- and came just two days after the International Atomic Energy Agency's censure of Iran for its failure to halt enrichment.

In other words, instead of complying with international requests to stand down, Iran has decided to step up efforts to enrich uranium, which, despite the government's denial, is all but certainly intended for a bomb.

Iran's theocratic leaders promote its pathological hatred of Israel. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denies the Holocaust. He periodically threatens the Jewish state with abject destruction, calling Israel "a dead rat" and "a stinking corpse." At best, his nuclear missiles would be a permanent sword of Damocles over Israel's head. At worst, in apocalyptic fashion, he could claim for Persian Shiites the primacy of radical Islam by destroying, once and for all, the "Zionist entity."

Iran also gives billions in aid to murderous organizations like Hezbollah and Hamas. Their clout would grow exponentially if they could scare Western allies with the threat of nuclear terrorism.

Apparently Iran has watched this new kindly American approach -- and come to a few dark conclusions: namely that a handful of nuclear bombs will give Iran political leverage, and that, in this new climate, it is well worth the (decreasing) risk in getting them. Rightly or wrongly, it seems to assume that the new repentant American administration is more interested in reaching out to prior adversaries than pressuring them to respect the current global order.

President Obama's serial deadlines and hope and change rhetoric have had no effect on the Iranians. Obama can either accept that the theocracy will go nuclear and live with it, or he must take graduated steps to stop them.

Lost amid all the debate about Obama's domestic policies like socialized medicine, nationalizing companies, massive debt-fueled pork give-aways, and the capping and taxing of America's energy consumption is that Iran is getting closer and closer to obtaining a nuclear bomb. Iran getting the nuclear bomb would be very bad for the world. They will use it to blackmail our allies and expand their control over the Middle East, they might use it to murder millions of Jews, or they could sell it to terrorist groups who would unleash it on an American city. This is a big deal.

As big a deal as it is, what has Obama's response been? Offering to talk to Iranian officials? Backing the Iranian government as it killed and terrorized pro-democracy groups that tried to rise up in freedom and liberty? Issuing declarations that are ignored? Those aren't very strong steps and are not having a positive effect on the situation. Different steps need to be taken and different messages issued. Perhaps Obama can do these things, but I'm pretty sure that we are going to need a different Congress and different President or else Iran will mushroom cloud an American city.

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