Senator Stabenow Out of Touch With Majority of Americans on Global Warming Issue

Every single time I have received a letter from Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) about global warming the opening line from her letter has been "the science on this issue is settled and there is now no debate over global warming." A good way to test this hypothesis of the good Senator would be to call thousands of people and conduct a survey and ask them whether they think the science has been settled and whether they think there is still debate on the issue.

If the Senator is correct and 'the science is settled' and 'there is no debate', then the people would agree, since they are educated about science and they are the source of debate. Oh, there would still be some nuts, but you could expect 60-70% to say that the debate is over and the science is settled.

Scott Rasmussen has done such a survey, and so we can test the claims of Stabenow.

Senator Debbie Stabenow is wrong, and every letter she has sent to me has been filled with lies. According to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey, just 25% of adults think that the science is settled and that there is no more debate on the issue. Twenty-three percent (23%) are not sure. The majority of Americans (52%) believe that there continues to be significant disagreement within the scientific community over global warming, that the science is not settled, and that there is still debate on this issue.

Stabenow is clearly out of step with the majority of Americans and clearly out of step with the constituents of her own state, and time and time again she has sent me a letter making false claims demonstrating how far she is out of step. Statistically and verifiable her views only represent 25% of Americans, and yet for some reason she represents our entire state on these very issues.

Go ahead and email Senator Stabenow at and let her know that the majority of Americans think that there is still debate on the issue of global warming and that the majority of good and decent and intelligent Americans still feel that there is debate on this issue, and that she should listen to the majority of Americans instead of small radical environmental groups before voting on the issue of global warming. I think she is a true believer in the Green God though, so you'll probably get a reply that is all mush and mumbo-jumbo, but the facts of the issue may at least inject something to her views. Cite those facts in your email to her- the Rasmussen Reports story can be found here.

Senator Stabenow and the rest of the Democrats in Congress are wrong- the majority (52%) of Americans think that the science on global warming is not settled and that there is still debate on this issue, and the majority of our nation should be listened to before Congress enacts any sort of cap-and-tax schemes or other global warming legislation.

Hat-tip to powerline.

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