BREAKING: Barack Obama Time Travels from January to Scold Barack Obama of February of his Lack of Civility in Wisconsin Budget Battle

BREAKING FAKE NEWS: In an unusual move for a sitting President of the United States, Democratic President Barack Obama time traveled from January of 2011 to February 2011 in order to to scold Democratic President Barack Obama for his political finger-pointing and lack of civility and honesty regarding the public discourse over the budget situation in Wisconsin.

January Obama reportedly said to February Obama "(We should all) strive to be better in our private lives – to be better friends and neighbors, co-workers and parents... more civility in our public discourse... only a more civil and honest public discourse can help us face up to our challenges as a nation."

In reply, February Obama said to January Obama "Some of what I’ve heard coming out of Wisconsin, where you’re just making it harder for public employees to collectively bargain generally, seems like more of an assault on unions..." and then DNC's Organizing for America arm -- the organization and people who were behind Obama's 2008 campaign -- began playing an active role in organizing protests.

At that point, early February Obama also time-traveled to today to sit down and talk with January Obama and what we will call Late February Obama. Early February Obama then said to Late February Obama that civility and cooperation are necessary to achieve policy goals like cutting government spending. “The only way you make those tough decisions is if you’re willing to cut the other side a little bit of slack,” he said.

Late February Obama replied by pulling out his Blackberry and ordering his political machine to begin working closely with state and national union officials to get thousands of protesters to gather in Madison and to plan similar demonstrations in other state capitals and to organize additional demonstrations in Ohio and Indiana.

It was at this time that June 2008 Obama also time-travelled to offer his support to Late February Obama "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." He then left and supervised his supporters and organization produce signs that depicted Wisconsin Governor Walker with gun crosshairs over his face, signs that compared Walker to Hitler and Mubarack, signs accusing Republicans of hating and raping people, signs urging Democrats to not retreat but rather to reload, and signs urging 'death to tyrants.'

After the departure of June 2008 Obama, Late February Obama left and went back to the White House to try to work on spinning what he said so that he would appear to be some sort of moderate and not the closet extreme liberal that he is, while Early February Obama busied himself by looking admiringly at himself in the mirror, and January Obama congratulated himself on getting his poll numbers to rise after the shooting of the good Congresswoman.

(This account was fictional, but all quotes are real and are dated correctly and the signs that Obama's political organization is helping create are also real. Follow the links for more information.)

For those interested in more accounts of time travel, try Back to the Future Part II.

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