Video of Niall Ferguson Schooling and Educating MSNBC Hosts, to their horror

According to Niall Ferguson (a British historian who teaches at Harvard), the defining characteristic thus far for Obama's foreign policy is "not just a failure to prioritize, but a failure to recognize the need to do so." In other words, Obama has no foreign policy, is making it up as he goes, is reading the polls to try to figure out what the right thing to do, is behind the curve on world events, and doesn't know up from down, and the saddest thing is, he doesn't even know it. He is in way over his head, dangerously incompetent, damaging our foreign policy the mere fact of his presence, like Jimmy Carter, except without Carter's work ethic or willingness to seek out help. He has surrounded himself by few foreign policy experts, few business experts, and no conservatives, instead preferring to surround himself with liberal Chicago politicians who can hold his hand and tell him everything is going to be okay as long as he fools you or your husband or your wife or your kids or your friends into voting for him. This Niall Ferguson fellow is a whole lot smarter than me, and he agrees with my points- watch him tear the old media liberal types up on this enjoyable and informative clip:

Originally via theblogprof, where I commented "I love how uncomfortable the MSNBC people look during this video- it is like reality is intruding in on their happy-nice sunshine naive idiot view of the world. Fergusan pounds on them, and they are stunned by how easy it is for him to do so. Towards the end the MSNBC hosts desperately turn to the 'yeah, but Bush was worse' meme- that's classic too!"

Fore more on Fergusan, check out The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World, Colossus: The Rise and Fall of the American Empire, or Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power.

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