Beware of the Church of Climate Alarm

The issue of Global Warming has sort of faded away right now- probably because it is the middle of winter, and it is very cold, and when it is cold, it is a tough sell to convince people that the whole planet is uncontrollably warming because of human actions and the only solution is massive government control over every aspect of our lives. Don't worry though- when summer gets really hot, idiots will parrot this idea again and government will take away more of our liberty.

I've written about this twice before- my first post was called Global Warming Melted my Ice Cream Cone, and mocked Global Warming Believers by using some science (in this case, the fact that the ice sheet in Greenland melting was not due to my driving an SUV but rather the emergence of a hot spot of liquid hot magma emerging under Greenland). In this post, I hint that I think that global warming is less about science and more about pagan beliefs in mother nature (with government officials playing the role of shamans!).

To prove that this is not some nutty theory of mine, I also posted several days later an article by Australian writer Arthur Herman called Climate hysterics v heretics in an age of unreason, based on his article of the same name. In his article, he says that the reason why logic and reason is rejected in the global warming debate is that they are believers, not scientists. It's a good article in its entirety- check it out by looking at the post.

Why do I bring these points up today? Over at Ace of Spades there was a link to another Aussie writer talking about global warming, and I really think for some reason down under they understand the nature of the beast. The article is called "Beware the church of climate alarm"- here is a snippet from it:

But the real fear driving climate alarmists wild is that a more rational approach to the fundamentalist religion of global warming may be in the ascendancy.

"We're dealing with dogma and people who, when challenged, become quite vicious and irrational" (said one expert about people who believe in the myth of global warming.) Human-caused climate change is being "promoted with religious zeal … there are fundamentalist organisations which will do anything to silence critics. They have their holy books, their prophet [is] Al Gore. And they are promoting a story which is frightening us witless [using] guilt [and urging] penance."

It is difficult for non-scientists to engage in the debate over what causes climate change and whether or not it can be stopped by new taxes and slower growth, because dissenting voices are shouted down by true believers in the scientific community who claim they alone have the authority to speak.

A couple good books if anyone wants to know more are Science, Politics, And Gnosticism by Eric Voegelin and Blue Planet in Green Shackles by Vaclav Klaus.

UPDATE: Here is a good website that pulls together a lot of stories of those who are skiptical about the claims made about global warming. Check it out!

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