The Coming Conservative Ascendancy

As an elected official, it is my job to rebuild the Republican Party- but you would be surprised at how many Republicans don't want to to rebuild it. When I stood up for a higher party position, the old timers, who oversaw a party that lost the White House and Congress, won positions, and the next generation conservatives, like me, lost (read more about this event here). That's not the way to rebuild the party- that might be a way to win an occasional seat now and then, but let's go back to the Reagan mold of totally remaking our country along conservative principles. Let's fall into line behind the conservative Net Generation.

The DC Examiner posted this excellent article called "The Coming Conservative Ascendancy" a month ago, and I want to bring your attention to it:

NetGeners are the future of the conservative movement because they are the heart and muscle of an historic opportunity to restore and reinvigorate our ideals of individual freedom and limited government. The Net Generation are the approximately 81 million people born between 1977 and 1997.

These eight norms are the dominant values Tapscott found among Net Geners: freedom, customization, scrutiny, integrity, collaboration, entertainment, speed and innovation.

Conservatism is all about individual freedom, decentralizing government and empowering local communities to solve their own problems. Net Geners, Tapscott says, "are natural collaborators, this is the relationship generation." A generation that expects to be free, to be able to customize and to be able to scrutinize authority is also a generation that is discovering a multitude of ways in which the Internet empowers what used to be called the "thousand points of light."

Those principles are important, and I myself hope that my blog reflects them.

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