Obama Sacrifices Funding for Yucca Mountain to Green Gods

Via Steve Sailer's blog comes this interesting piece of information- in spite of the fact that Obama's budget spends billions of dollars on all sorts of frivolous projects and unimportant items, it does manage to make some important cuts- to the future of nuclear power in our nation.

Yes, the record-setting budget that raised levels of government spending in every category by mind-boggling amounts actually cut funding for Yucca Mountain. Now, I'm not a big fan of the government providing subsidies of this sort to energy companies, but since it is virtually impossible to dispose of nuclear waste just anywhere because of government regulations, it is only reasonable that government help out by creating a safe (environmentally and from theft or attack) storage facility. And that's just what the government has been up to, spending billions developing a nuclear waste storage facility in Yucca Mountain, Nevada. This facility would have enabled nuclear power to grow and provide more safe, clean, reliable, US produced power.

Sadly, the green gods demanded its sacrifice, and Obama bowed to their demands:

The program, Obama's new budget states, "will be scaled back to those costs necessary to answer inquiries from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission while the administration devises a new strategy toward nuclear waste disposal." That's bureaucratese for "Yucca Mountain is dead." ... In shuttering Yucca Mountain, Obama makes it extremely likely that nuclear power in the United States will continue its long, slow, and extremely unwelcome death.

This article was a source for this information.

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