Thomas Sowell: A Fatal Trajectory

The great Thomas Sowell recently penned this article- here are the best parts-

First of all, the day-to-day life of most Americans in these times is nowhere near as dire as that of the band of cold, ragged and hungry men who gathered around George Washington in the winter at Valley Forge, to which they had been driven by defeat after defeat. Only the most reckless gambler would have bet on them to win. Only an optimist would have expected them to survive.

In another sense, however, looming ahead of us-- and our children and their children-- are dangers that can utterly destroy American society. Worse yet, there are moral corrosion's within ourselves that weaken our ability to face the challenges ahead.

It took only two nuclear bombs to get Japan to surrender-- and the Japanese of that era were far tougher than most Americans today. Just one bomb-- dropped on New York, Chicago or Los Angeles-- might be enough to get us to surrender. If we are still made of sterner stuff than it looks like, then it might take two or maybe even three or four nuclear bombs, but we will surrender.

It doesn't matter if we retaliate and kill millions of innocent Iranian civilians-- at least it will not matter to the fanatics in charge of Iran or the fanatics in charge of the international terrorist organizations that Iran supplies. Ultimately, it all comes down to who is willing to die and who is not.

How did we get to this point? It was no single thing. The dumbing down of our education, the undermining of moral values with the fad of "non-judgmental" affectations, the denigration of our nation through poisonous propaganda from the movies to the universities. The list goes on and on.

The trajectory of our course leads to a fate that would fully justify despair. The only saving grace is that even the trajectory of a bullet can be changed by the wind. Over the years, we have had our share of miraculous deliverance's. But that our fate today depends on yet another miracle is what can turn pessimism to despair.

In a more practical sense, I would say that our fate today depends on more than just hope and change- we've tried that charlatan's approach, and it is making our country worse. Rather, our fate today depends on rediscovering the past- the political values, the moral values, and the religious values that our founding fathers built our nation on and that helped it rise to its glory and prosperity today.

Our fate today depends on us electing conservatives and libertarians, who are found almost exclusively within the Republican Party, and so our fate today depends on us voting for the right Republicans in the primary elections and supporting the broader party in the general elections.

And our fate comes on changing our educational system- the KGB or Communists long ago decided the best way to destroy America was through "cultural warfare" and have been quite successful in their aims (although I'm not sure if it is purposeful today- do socialists really want to destroy America or are they just on a robotic Terminator auto-pilot and are the too dumb to see the effects?). You need to put pressure on your school boards, put pressure on your elected representatives, and put pressure on your school administration and teachers to teach your children the correct material. Read the history books of your children, read their child's environmental textbooks, and talk to and listen to your children when they tell you about their teachers and education. We need to change the educational establishment, or else all else fails.

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