Simon Jester

This week has been a slow week for posting. I could blame it on the fact that I have been really busy, but that's honestly not it- the real reason is that every day it seems to be getting worse and worse around here, and I'm starting to get annoyed.

For example, I read in the Detroit News two stories- one that says that the Democrats in Congress and the President is going to do everything it can do to help the domestic auto company, and than another that says that the Democrats in Congress and the President are going to slap the auto industry with new fuel efficiency standards that will cost $1.5 billion. What the f&%$ is that?

A lot of my students express similar frustrations- I was trying to teach them today about bills of attainder and ex post facto laws, and one of them raised a hand and asked what the point of it was if you could just ignore or re-interpret those clauses whenever you wanted to? I mean, come on- how am I supposed to do my job and teach these students the core beliefs of our country, how am I supposed to teach them to be proud of our rights and liberties, when the freaking government keeps undercutting me by violating them so openly?

So my brother passed me this site to look at, called I Am Simon Jester. I like it. The reference of course is to The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, where in the book those who decide to break free of their earthly rulers would often scrawl anti-authoritarian graffiti on walls, signing it "Simon Jester". Some have have suggested that those who find the American government oppressive do the same, and I like it. From I Am Simon Jester:

We are not anarchists. We are not Far-Right or Far-Left. We are the seventy percent in the middle. We are not Capital “L” libertarians, although we do have sympathies with their platform. We are neither bitter clingers nor conspiracy nuts.

What we are is a group of folks that think we see liberty and freedom eroding in our beloved United States. We see the policies and agendas of the hirelings in Washington D.C. heading toward an abbreviation if not outright abrogation of the Bill of Rights.

We think the Federal government, not just this administration, is more interested in self-serving personal, political, and party power than it is in actually doing its best to do the least.

For almost a hundred years, our country has been heading towards becoming a Socialist, centrally planned, Nanny State where the Federal Government tells it citizens how to conduct business, what they could grow in their own gardens or on their own farms, and now even how much a private citizen is allowed to earn before punitive and illegal taxation takes it away.

Now is the time to make it stop.

There are many ways for you to be Simon Jester. Wear a t-shirts that says "Simon Jester," or "I Aim to Misbehave," or "Don't Tread on Me." Go to a Tea Party- there are some coming up on April 15. Write your government officials. And take action, however, whenever you can to show our government officials that we are not going to stand for it anymore, we will not take it anymore, and we will not go into the night quietly.

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