Contact Michigan Senators on the Tax and Limit Energy Bill

According to my sources (Rick Santorum on Frank Beckman show), the Senate is very close to not passing the Cap and Trade bill (or Limit and Tax bill, or global warming bill, or energy independence bill, or whatever they call it). This is a good thing- the Senate may just not take it up and instead try to go about socializing our healthcare industry instead.

Let's defeat these bills one at at time. In the battle to pass the Limit and Tax Bill, Michigan's Senators are going to play a pi vital role since they are members of the majority party in the Senate (Democrats) and they are wavering. Please contact them to let them know that you want them to vote against the Climate Change bill. Emails are good, mail letters are better, but phone calls are the best.

Click here to contact Carl Levin, click here to contact Debbie Stabenow. I think Levin's office will be receptive- he is a hard-working Senator who cares about our state and isn't corrupt. Good luck with Stabenow's office- she is a lazy Senator who is bought off by special interests in California and doesn't really care about Michigan voters.

It is important when you communicate with these Senators that you mention that you are a registered voter from Michigan. I would start out by stating your stance on the issue, and then you are free to bring up anything that bothers you about the global warming bill. These Democrats are likely Believers, so it probably isn't going to do much good to bring up the fact that man-made global warming is a myth, and they are Democrats, so it probably isn't going to do much good to talk about how this bill is just a plot to increase taxes and transfer power to the government. Don't threaten either- from personal experience, this doesn't go over well.

The best line of attack is to discuss how this bill will affect the citizens of Michigan. This bill will transfer wealth from Midwestern states like Michigan to states on the coasts by taxing coal producers and subsidizing wind and solar power. As a Michigan Senator, they should be concerned about how this bill will affect Michigan more so than protecting the globe. This bill will raise taxes on manufacturing companies that are in Michigan and transfer that wealth to government bureaucrats and regulators in Washington DC.

Obama has been talking about how this bill will create green jobs, and perhaps it might. But the cost to create those green jobs in the south and coasts will be paid for by the residents of Michigan. And according to studies in Spain, each job created by subsided renewable energy will cost the jobs of at least 2.2 jobs in other industries and will cost over $774,000 per job created. Those job losses will be in Michigan, and that money will come from Michigan. Michigan Senators should oppose this because it hurts Michigan.

Don't do nothing with this. Don't take this sitting down. Make a phone call. Be able to say "I did something" or "I at least called." We can stop this thing. Yes we can! Hope! Change! Power to the people!

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