Reactions to Obama's Speech

To be honest, I have a lot of objections to the recent speech that Demagoguer Propagandar Obama gave tonight on healthcare. For example, I felt that there was a lot of I "people bring up legitimate concerns, I wave my wand and they are gone now" (I quote loosely from his speech)and "if I say it is this way, then it is that way." In the real world, it really doesn't work like that- saying something is a lie does not make it a lie, and saying that something is wrong does not make it wrong.

Another objection that I have with Obama's speech was that I felt he was disingenuous- he said the left was out of line and characterized their views fairly, and then said the right was out of line and characterized their views unfairly. The guy is great at going after strawmen arguments- he brings up points and views that people don't believe and then pretends that his opposition believes them, and then feebly knocks them over. "Look, er, people say that I am trying to build monkeys in a lab, but I'm not, so you should all support my healthcare"- arguments like that don't convince me about anything. Practically every layer of his speech is dripping in half-truths and tortured logic and false assumptions.

Another objection that I have to his speech is when he said at the end that he will call out people like me who don't like his plan and go after them. I say bring it on- come get me Obama- I'm an American and I am proud of my nation and will fight for it, even if you and your thugs don't like it. I'm trying to remember Bush saying that he would personally make it his mission to attack every liberal in this nation, and I can't recall it- yet my President says he is coming after me? Bring it.

In particular, one issue that I have with Obama's magical bill that doesn't exist yet is that it attacks the core principles on which our nation is built. In particular, it goes after federalism. Each individual state in the union has over dozens of years built many laws about the type of healthcare that they want offered in their state. Thousands, if not more, of intelligent people have put together these laws. And now the national government is going to come along and offer a healthcare plan that may or may not conform with every single state's laws and these states are going to accept it? It was exactly this kind of arbitrary distant bureaucratic autocratic government that our nation had a revolution to get away from, and now these Democrats in Congress and in the White House are ruling in the same manner.

Down with King Obama! Don't treat on me! Revolution!

UPDATE: In my first draft of this 'reaction' piece, I said I was inspired by Obama's speech to run for Congress. Now that I've cooled off a bit, I will say that I have contacted my local Republican party to inquire about the process that one goes through to run for Congress, but I'm not really sure that I want to be a Congressman right now- I have 5 little kids, all under 10, and don't want to be away from them. Still though, you can put this in writing- I've got time, and I'll donate 20 hours a week for 4 months of the summer next year to anyone who wants to knock off Gary Peters if he supports Obama's bill. And if no one good runs against him, I guess I will.

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