Support Joe Wilson

According to yahoo news, Joe Wilson is a liar, and even though he apologized, he needs to be defeated because his outburst was historically bad. If you really followed politics in our nation, you would know that it isn't that big of a deal, and he apologized for it, so that should put it to rest unless you are vindictive and bitter. And calling him a liar in a smear piece probably is not the best way to show that you shouldn't call people liars.

Yahoo news was helpful enough to link in their article to a website run by the kooks at Daily Kos where they are trying to raise money to defeat Joe Wilson's re-election bid. That website is here. You can see that the kook readers of the Kos have transferred almost $200K of taxpayer money to Wilson's opponent in the next election- that's a lot of money to give simply because a guy had a temporary outburst of passion that he soon apologized for.

I guess it's easier for liberals and Democrats to attack a person and get rid of them, however you do it, then it is to address their points and listen to their arguments and respond to them in a logical and consistent manner. I for one refuse to let the left attack people and vilify them simply because they disagree with Obama.

So I ask you to support Joe Wilson. Send him whatever you can send him to help him in his bid to remain a passionate Representative in the United States Congress. His website is temporarily down, but the address is

UPDATE: Mark Levin is on the same track as me, and he has made it easy to support Wilson by putting a link on his site for donations to Joe Wilson's campaign fund. Thanks Knox. Both links are shown below:
Mark Levin's site:
Site for contributions:

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