Global Warming Worshippers Like Ancient Babylonians

The Daily Kos article Aliens, Elves, and the Politics of Utopia begins well:

Every year in Babylonia, the gods came out to play. On feast days, people lined the streets as the statues of the gods, festooned in gold and jewels, were paraded through Ur and Kish and Eridu. In Babylon, priests ascended the seven tiers of the massive ziggurat and stood next to the golden bull horns at each corner. There they recounted the story of the Enûma Elish, explaining how Marduk came to rule over the other gods. In the time before time, Lord Marduk had slain the vast dragon-goddess of chaos, Tiamat. Seas were forced back from land. The order of day and night was fixed. The borders of the great city were set and the stones of the ziggurat stacked by the god's divine hand.
Everything that comes after in that article is pure garbage full of a lack of knowledge about history and people, but that first part caught my interest, because there is a group out there today that worships the Babylonian Gods and imagines a world that was once perfect and ordered, that once had the seas in their perfect places and the trees neatly aligned and marching forever, and where the people of the world were controlled and ruled by powerful elites. These worshippers of pagan religion just got done with a conference in Copenhagen.

Those people at the Copenhagen conference imagine a world ruled by gods- elite individuals who are no men but are transformative individuals outside of men- better than us, smarter than us, and stronger than us. They work in the United Nations, they are dictators controlling nations like Cuba or Venezuela or Cuba, and they are the unelected technocrats running the European Union.

The purpose of the gods, as imagined by those who believe in global warming and support the proposals that came out of the Copenhagen conference, is to restore order and keep the people under control. They fear chaos, they fear the unknown, and they have a burning need to control every aspect of society. The globe and the weather than rages around the globe is untamed and uncontrolled, and that scares them. Learning that the data that they use to control the globe may be wrong terrifies them. The free market and capitalism frighten these people because these are the chaos that man is supposed to control. Democracy and free will mean nothing to these people- the Babylonian Gods never gave man a choice in their affairs and never judged them for their choices, they just ruled them and class conflicts ensued.

When conservatives gather at their tea parties, they shout liberty and freedom and talk history, science, religion, and philosophy. They pick up after themselves, wave flags, and dress in the colors of red, white, and blue. There is no drinking or drugs, and people police themselves for language and human decency (I know, I've been to several- read My Report from the Birmingham Healthcare Rally or Report from Peters Townhall Sept 09). Their 'festivals' are subdued, intense, patriotic events that evoke images of our founding fathers arguing in the streets for life, liberty, and protection of property.

By contrast, when liberals gather at events such as the one in Copenhagen, they are pagans on festival day, lining the streets, festooned in outlandish outfits, having parade after parade, lavish party after lavish party, and engaging in pagan behavior that embraces drugs, alcohol, swearing, sex, and general human debauchery. They loose themselves in trances and are overcome by spirits that give them license to engage in behavior that would not be acceptable in any other format. They are the pagan worshippers of Babylonia, and if they had their way, the worshippers of other religions would be kept in slaves and mocked at for not engaging in their sad fantasy world.

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