US Has Two Party System- Deal With It and Vote Republican

The United States of America has a two party system and it always will. The two major parties earn 90-95% of the vote in our nation in the thousands of races they run in every election up and down the ballot year in and year out. Every election people wish that another different party would win, but they very rarely do. And that is the way it is.

This is not to say that so-called 'third parties' don't occasionally win a race or have a good showing. You can probably name the dozen or so times in the last several decades they had a good showing... out of thousands and thousands of races they have had a bad showing. The biggest role that 'third parties' play in our system is throwing the election to the 'other side'- all of those people who voted Libertarian helped the opposite of a libertarian win, all of those who thought HW Bush wasn't conservative enough and voted Perot helped put Clinton in office, and all those GOPs who supported TR only helped put progressive Wilson in office. And all of you who read my blog that support and vote third party, all you are doing is helping put communists, socialist, and fascists in office. And that is the way it is.

The reason we have a two party system in our nation is for several good reasons. One is tradition and history- we've always had a two party system, whether it was Revolutionary/Loyalist, Federalist/Anti-Federalist, Federalist/Democratic-Republican, Democrat/Whig, or Democrat/Republican (since 1860)- and tradition and history are important to many people. Another reason we have a two-party system is the laws and regulations that we have put in place to control elections favor two parties- single-member districts, winner-take-all elections, a popularly elected president, large geographically based districts, ballot access laws- all of which favor the two party system. Another reason is because Americans are generally moderate, and the two major parties are coalition parties that make compromises to win, which moves them both closer to the middle, which means that other parties only have room to win supporters on the margins of the political spectrum, where there are fewer people.

And this is why you personally (if you vote third party) are messing up. The GOP is a coalition party that in order to win brings in lots of groups and combines them in an imperfect manner. The Democrat party does this too, and all of the communists and fascists got smart and joined that party and now run our nation, while all of the conservatives and libertarians sit on their high horses and judge and that's why the communists and fascists run our nation. You (if you vote third party) are contributing personally to the downfall of the United States of America. You need to vote Republican- you need to be part of the coalition and as our party gets bigger and bigger, and welcomes in more groups, we'll welcome in conservatives, moderates, libertarians, and everyone who goes to a tea-party. That will make the GOP a strong party again, and will make America a strong party. And if you don't like a candidate in the GOP, actually vote in a primary for once (average 20% voter turnout) and do something about it.

We have a two party system in America, and you need to deal with it and start voting Republican.

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