Palin Joking

Via Sharp Right Turn comes this humor from Republican Governor Sarah Palin, who was speaking at the winter dinner of the Gridiron Club, an organization of Washington-based journalists. According to reports, Palin was able to poke fun at herself, the politicians in the room, Obama, Democrats, Joe Biden, and the McCain campaign:

  • Palin joked that she was looking at a magazine cover of Obama and Chinese president Hu Jinato during an airplane flight and a nearby passenger stated, “Hu’s the Communist.” Palin said, “I thought he was asking a question."
  • Sarah Palin poked fun at herself in a speech to journalists Saturday night, drawing laughter when she announced she “came down from my hotel room and I could see the Russian embassy.”
  • The 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate also joked that she had originally thought of titling her book “How To Look Like a Million Bucks, for Only $150,000″ before settling on “Going Rogue.”
  • If the election had turned out differently, she said, “I could be the one overseeing the signing of bailout checks and vice president Biden could be on the road selling his book, ‘Going Rogaine.’” (Biden has sparse hair).
  • As for her hosts, she said she was glad to be appearing before an elite audience of leading intellectuals, “or as I like to call it, a death panel.”
  • McCain’s campaign staff also came in for a barb from the former Alaska governor when she said she is touring the country by bus as she sells her book. “The view is so much better from inside the bus than under it,” she said, referring to the poisonous relations between her and some of the McCain campaign staff.

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