The New Two Party System

Dick Morris in his article The New Two-Party System on RealClearPolitics says:

The Democratic game of electing moderates in conservative districts who then vote to keep liberals in power is over. It overreached. By collapsing so completely and so publicly, it has become self-evident to even the most gullible of voters that there is no such thing as a moderate Democrat. You are either an Obama, Pelosi or Reid clone or you are a Republican. That's the new two-party system. In Bill Clinton's day, there were such things as moderate Democrats. Voters were not deceived when they cast their ballots for center-right Democrats.
This is a great point, because it really does illustrate what is happening politically in our nation- one party- the Democratic Party- has been hijacked by left wing progressive communists, and anyone who votes Democrat today is supporting their agenda.

Oh, you can pretend that your Congressman is a moderate or a Blue Dog, that your guy isn't that way, but then look at the voting record- did they vote to nationalize auto companies, drop a trillion dollars in deficit spending for corrupt 'stimulus' spending, vote to combat 'global warming' by setting up national energy cartels controlled by the mob, vote to nationalize healthcare, and vote to put on the bench people who don't believe in the Constitution and think that judges should be making policy and rules in our nation? Did your "Blue Dog" or moderate really vote that way, or did they endorse the most extreme left agenda in the history our nation?

The Democratic Party has purified itself, and only the far left remains in power.

Dick Morris claims that the same thing happened to the Republicans in the 80's and 90's- that the Republican party purified itself and all of the liberal and moderate Republicans left the party because the GOP became too conservative. I don't agree with that one bit- the Republican Party is filled with RINO's, and take a look at the load of moderate and even liberal Republicans that the GOP has nominated for President lately- there is no way you can tell me that George H.W. Bush (who conservatives then turned on in '92), Bob Dole, 'compassionate conservative' (aka Big Spending Republican) George W. Bush, or John McCain were raving right wing committed conservatives? No way. If anything, the GOP is still controlled by the moderate wing, which has been losing elections and squandering our nation's native impulse for freedom and liberty by trying to be too nice to the communists on the other side of the aisle.

This is why in the primary it is important to be active and vote for conservative Republicans- if the liberals are going to be taken over by the far left, we need to get the Republican party moving more to the right. But, once in the general election, you need to vote Republican up and down the ticket- even your moderate Democrats, when push come to shove, turn out to be far to the left of liberal Republicans.

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