Climate hysterics v heretics in an age of unreason

Just read this excellent article by Arthur Herman called "Climate hysterics v heretics in an age of unreason." I loosely quote from it:

By now that evidence has become pretty conclusive that man is not causing global warming. Yet believers in man-made global warming continue to demand more and more money to combat climate change and still more drastic changes in our economic output and lifestyle.

The reason is that they are believers, not scientists. No amount of empirical evidence will overturn what has become not a scientific theory but a form of religion. But what kind of religion? In civilised societies the mind of man is subject to certain unaccountable terrors and apprehensions when real worries are missing. As these enemies are entirely invisible and unknown, like today's greenhouse gases, people try to propitiate them by ceremonies, observations, mortification's, sacrifices such as Earth Day and banning plastic bags and petrol-driven lawnmowers. Fear and ignorance are the true source of superstition. They lead a blind and terrified public to embrace any practice, however absurd or frivolous, which either folly or knavery recommends.

I totally agree with his line of thinking.

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