Global Warming Melted my Ice Cream Cone

It is taken for granted that global warming is causing the melting of Greenland's ice glaciers- for example, the US Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming directly attributes the melting of the Greenland ice caps to global warming. The wikipedia page on the Greenland ice sheet is all about global warming. Etc.

But, I came across this interesting story- scientists have recently discovered a hotspot in Greenland, an area where Earth’s crust is thinner, allowing hot magma from Earth's mantle to come closer to the surface, or in this case allowing liquid hot magma to flow just below the ice sheet.

On one hand, you can believe that humans are causing the entire earth to warm, causing the Greenland ice sheets to melt, and the only solution to this is to give government total control over our entire lives. Or, you can believe that hot magma is below the ice and melting it, and you can keep your freedom and liberty. This a tough one... I know what I'll do... I'll pray to the great pagan gods of nature!

"Oh great Mother Earth, I lay at your alter my Toyota 4Runner 4-wheel drive supercharged sport SUV- please honor my gift and grant us cool summers and cold winters, and spare us the thunder of hurricanes, and if my gift pleases you, do not melt the ice sheets in Greenland...."


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