Happily Never After: New PTC Study Reveals TV Favors Non-Marital Sex

While I'm not a prude, and I do like the occasionally guilty pleasure of some shows on TV, even I am increasingly turned off by television. Apparently, there are studies to back me up. The Parents Television Council released a new study, Happily Never After: How Hollywood Favors Adultery and Promiscuity Over Marital Intimacy on Prime Time Broadcast Television, which revealed that broadcast networks depict sex in the context of marriage as either non-existent or burdensome while showing positive depictions of extra-marital or adulterous sexual relationships with alarming frequency.

The new PTC report found that verbal references to non-marital sex outnumbered verbal references to sex in the context of marriage by nearly 3 to 1, and scenes depicting or implying sex between non-married partners outnumbered similar scenes between married couples by a ratio of nearly 4 to 1. The Family Hour – the time slot with the largest audience of young viewers where one might reasonably expect broadcasters to be more careful with the messages they are communicating to impressionable youngsters – contained the highest frequency of references to non-married sex.

Some of the once-taboo-for-TV sexual behaviors that are now found on prime time television include threesomes, partner swapping, pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, and sex with prostitutes, in addition to depictions of strippers, references to masturbation, pornography, sex toys, and kinky or fetishistic behaviors.

Michael Medved remarked, “For many years, parents have worried about television’s glamorization of destructive sexual behavior. This important new report suggests another cause for concern: the de-glamorization of marriage."

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